Ways to Lower Your A/C Costs This Summer

Aug 1, 2020 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

When the temperatures start to tower throughout the hottest weeks of summer here in Ohio, most homeowners depend on their home cooling systems to keep their places nice and crisp and cozy — a lifeline and refuge from the heat. However, confronted with escalating energy costs, this can be challenging, and not to mention costly. What can a homeowner do to stay cool while keeping the cost under budget? 

We at Mason Heating & Air suggest the following tips to keep cooling costs at a minimum this summer without losing comfort.

List of Ways to Lower Your A/C Costs This Summer:

Block the Sun From Shining in Directly

When sunlight beams into your home directly, it can make the temperature inside extra hot. One of the best ways to help cool your home while utilizing less energy is to restrict daytime sunlight from coming in through your windows directly.

You can either shut your drapes or close your blinds when the sun is at its hottest. That being said, for a more permanent solution, you could plant shade trees outside your biggest windows. Many types of trees improve property values and improve the aesthetics of a home, while at the same time reducing home cooling costs.

Window Tint Helps

If you enjoy the bright and cheerful effect of sunlight in your home, and don’t want to keep your drapes closed, consider using window tint on your windows to reduce the volume of heat coming in through your windows.

Most local hardware stores sell full rolls of window tinting. This tinting is fairly cheap and relatively easy to install. Because windows that face the south and the west typically get the most sunlight, strategically installing tint on these windows should result in the greatest reduction in your home cooling costs.

Turn On Fans

Instead of lowering the thermostat every time you get hot, leave that old thermostat alone and think about utilizing a fan to cool off. Reducing the temperature on your A/C burns up more energy in cooling off all the rooms in your home, while a fan utilizes only enough power to cool that one room you occupy. Fans also make you feel cooler, cause the air is circulating, using up a lot less energy. Just remember to keep saving money that you should turn that fan off when you leave the room.

Don’t Ignore Standard Maintenance

To keep your air conditioner operating at its peak efficiency, make sure you are keeping up on routine and regular maintenance. A few simple maintenance suggestions you can take on your own include cleaning or replacing the air filter every month, moving any furniture or drapes back that might be blocking your air ducts and vents, and keep space around the exterior compressor unit clear. These steps go a long way. However, to keep your system in optimal condition and save you money for years to come, don’t forget to schedule a seasonal HVAC maintenance appointment each season. A technician can quickly and easily service parts that you aren’t able to, and they can help you avoid the most expensive system breakdowns. This is a great idea because no one wants to have to wait for A/C repairs during Ohio’s hottest of summer months. There are a slew of benefits.

Thermostat Upgrades

Because we all enjoy coming home to a nice cool house after a long day, too often we yield to the temptation to keep our A/C running all day while we’re not home. It should go without saying that keeping an empty home cool all day (when you’re away) will run up an expensive bill. This is why smart thermostats, or at least programmable thermostats, are so popular these days. A simple thermostat upgrade enables you to control your home comfort levels from your cell phone or modify the temperature of your home depending on the time of day ahead of time. Keep your residence comfortable while you are there and save money while you’re away by considering some of our latest and most popular thermostat devices. They pay for themselves fast.

Consider Zoned A/C

Ductless, zoned, or mini-split systems are ideal for those wanting to keep certain rooms or areas of their home cooler than others. By cooling only the rooms you are using, instead of the whole house where rooms might not be in use, you can save money quickly on your usual energy expenses. Mini-split systems group together specific zones, like bedrooms or living rooms, as well as different levels or stories. This type of system is affordable, efficient, and easy to install. 

If you are interested or would like to know more, call Mason Heating & Air at 513-496-2477, or schedule an appointment right now by clicking here!