5 Tips For Winterizing Your Home

Dec 24, 2021 | Uncategorized

With the winter season being here, you may be cooking big meals for guests, hosting holiday fun, or just in the house more often. If this is the case, it is the perfect time to go around the house to winterize your home. This will prepare you for storms or anything that could possibly go wrong with your heating system. To best get ready for the winter season, try following these simple steps that Mason Heating & Air put together for you and your household: 

  • Check Your Pipes– If you want to avert potential disasters, you can avoid possible leaks that could occur from your pipes. You can also eliminate your pipes from freezing by doing pipe insulation in your home. 
  • Check Your Fireplace- The lack of proper maintenance of your fireplace can cause many hazardous conditions such as carbon monoxide poisoning and toxic fumes. Make this a regular part of your weekly routine by checking in and around your fireplace. 
  • Check Your Roof- It can be challenging to know whether your roof is not in good condition or not, so the best way to tell is just by looking for cracked caulk or rust spots on the flashing. You can also look for any missing or broken shingles.  
  • Protect Windows From Heat Loss– Look around the edge of your window for small cracks that could be letting a breeze come through. You can also use double glazing. This can be costly, but it is effective. Double glazing refers to a window that has two panes of glass. This will give you thermal insulation to retain heat in a room. 
  • Clean your Gutters- You can save yourself from a lot of expensive repair work simply by keeping your gutters cleaned. The best way to clean your gutters is to stay on the ground since most homeowners aren’t too fond of ladders. Pick up a gutter cleaning wand from your local hardware store to clean the gutters from the ground. There are several models you can purchase, so pick one that works best for you and your home.

Our experts suggest that it is essential to have reliability, efficiency, and performance throughout the winter season. So, as you prepare to cook those good meals throughout the holidays, don’t forget to use this list to guide you through winterizing your home this season. 

We would be happy to assist you around the clock. Give Mason Heating & Air a call today at (513) 496-2477, or schedule an appointment online now by clicking here